In a supermarket car park, far, far away... A disabled hero rises to battle the illegal parkers... You are the:


Serving justice, enforcing blue badge parking with laser beams!

Space Invaders for pissed off disabled drivers!

This is much like the classic Space invaders where an army of aliens slowly creep down the screen firing at you the player, as you try to shoot all the aliens down before they shoot you and stop them reaching you at the bottom of the screen. Here though the aliens are represented by walking humans. This represents those in society that think they have some sort of right to park in a disabled bay, but they are not disabled in any way whatsoever. Furthermore they do not possess a disabled parking badge either, so they do not have any right to park in disabled parking, thus depriving someone with a wheelchair or other mobility aid that has a disabled parking permit from being able to park in a bay that has enough space for them to get in and out of their car.

The player spaceship, is represented by the disabled person in a wheelchair in this case. This is the hero character and you have to control them by using touch screen controls, keyboard or a joypad to move left, right and to fire lasers at the advancing walking human parking invaders!

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